The Book of Job: More than Misery Study
Each Wednesday at 6:15 through March 24
We use Zoom Video Conferencing to connect.
Materials for Session 2 (Mar. 3):
Read and work through this week's Prep Worksheet:
Review the arguments of Job's friends in the yellow section below:
Or click on the picture below to open it larger:
Materials for Session 1 (Feb. 24):
Work through the Prep Worksheet:
If you are on a computer . . .
Click the "Join Now" button to open a new page and launch Zoom.
If this is your first time, click "download and run Zoom." You may be asked permission to install the Zoom software, and will need to agree.
If you've already downloaded Zoom, you can just click "launch meeting." Give it a minute or two to work!
If downloading and installing the software fails, go back to that Zoom page and you will now have the option to "join from your browser. Zoom works with the Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox browsers, but not Safari (native to Macs). If you have one of those browsers installed on your Mac, you will need to click the link from within one of the usable browsers.
If you are on a smartphone or tablet . . .
Click the "Join Now" button to launch Zoom.
You will be prompted to download the app from either the Apple or Google Play app stores. The download is free, but it may take a few minutes to download and install.
After the app is installed one time, it will launch automatically every time you click the "Join Now" link.
Connect to audio
If not asked, look for the microphone button in the bottom left of the window and click "Join audio" or "Start audio."
Choose "Connect with Computer Audio" (or Device Audio).
Your browser, antivirus, and/or device will likely pop up a box asking you to confirm that you're okay with this. You must click "Allow, "Yes," or "OK" however many times and ways it asks you. (You can skip this step in the future if you have the opportunity to check a box, "Remember this decision."
It may take up to 30 seconds to connect to the audio. When completed, you should be able to hear others, and others hear you.
If there is a red slash through the microphone,
you are either muted or unconnected. -
If this does not work, click the up arrow by the microphone to see if you need to connect using a different audio device.
Connect to video
If not asked, look for the video camera button in the bottom left of the window and click "Start video."
Choose "Connect with Computer Audio" (or Device Audio).
Your browser, antivirus, and/or device will likely pop up a box asking you to confirm that you're okay with this. You must click "Allow, "Yes," or "OK" however many times and ways it asks you. (You can skip this step in the future if you have the opportunity to check a box, "Remember this decision."
You should now be able to see yourself in one of the video boxes and we'll be able to see you, too.
If this does not work, click the up arrow by the microphone to see if you need to connect using a different audio device.
If you have any trouble connecting, keep trying. You can also call Pastor Mike for help getting connected.
What this study is about:
This has been a tough year, leaving many of us feeling like poor Job in the Bible who just can’t catch a break. Though many of us have been taught the Book of Job is all about patience in suffering, that’s entirely wrong. It’s a book of yearning, deep questions, wrestling with God, and finding hope in the midst of a world that feels out of our control.
Each week of our Lenten Study, we’ll focus on different themes in the Book of Job, including:
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why does evil exist at all?
Where is God is in our suffering and what is God doing?
How do we live with our pain?
How do we support friends who are hurting?
Where we find hope and faith?
Rather than following a book or printed study, Pastor Mike will lead us through this book, drawing on his journey with this book after his mother's Alzheimer's diagnosis and his experience walking with people who are hurting.
You may need to enable your video and microphone every time.
When you connect, you will be placed in a "waiting room." This is a security feature to ensure only participants can join our meeting. Once in the waiting room, wait for Pastor Mike to admit you to our meeting.
Use your real name (at least your first name) when signing on so we know how to address each other, and so that Pastor Mike knows who he is admitting to the meeting. You can change your name by clicking on the "Participants" button.
We communicate online as we do in person, with respect for one another and speaking as Jesus would have spoken.
The software often remembers your preferences, but you may need to follow Step 2 to reconnect your audio and video every time.
Sometimes the bar with the buttons disappears. To bring it up again, tap the screen (or your mouse) to make it reappear.
The audio tends to work better if you have a headset or earbuds with a microphone, such as the one that comes with smartphones.
By default, the person who is speaking (or making the most noise) will automatically move to the big video in the center. To see everyone at once, click the gallery button with little squares in it near the upper right corner.
You can see a list of the participants by clicking the participants button at the bottom of the screen.
You can change your displayed name by clicking the participants button, which will pop up a list of participants and the option to rename yourself.
You can also text chat with the group or individual participants by enabling it. Please be positive, kind, and uplifting to one another, including in side chats. The pastor can see it all!