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Valentines for Vets​


Valentine’s Day is fast approaching.  Our Social Ministry Team would like to enlist your assistance in remembering our veterans and thanking them for all they have done to keep us and our country safe.  This year will be a little different.  Since we are not able to gather to prepare our gift bags, we are proposing the following . . .  


Hosanna members who would like to participate will prepare a gift bag(s) at home and place them in a labeled container outside the main entrance to the church.


While this sounds pretty much like what we have done in the past, this is where it changes.  The children will not be able to gather to make valentines nor will members be able to gather to assemble the gift bags.  Therefore, we are proposing that each family wishing to participate, prepare the gift bags and include their own Valentine greeting.  You may either make your own valentine or purchase them if you desire.  If you are not able to include a valentine, not to worry.  If you are not able to prepare gift bags and would still like to make valentines, please feel free to do so and place them in the container at the church.


If you would like to participate, we ask that you drop off your gallon storage bags containing the proposed items, along with a valentine no later than Tuesday, February 9.
Thank you for participating in this great cause!
Social Ministry Team


Hosanna Kids—We Need Your Help!

Hey kids! You’re invited to help out with our annual Valentines for Vets project! Here are some ways you can help:

  • Make valentines with any craft supplies you have at home. They need to fit inside a gallon ziplock bag and will go to veterans in the KC area. 

  • Make hygiene kits as a family. You can talk about how these are helpful to the veterans we support as you assemble them. 

  • Make a donation towards hygiene kit supplies. Social ministry team members will shop in bulk for needed supplies.  Give online and note “Valentines for Vets” or drop it by the church office. 

Choose one or two or all of the options—whatever works for you!


Cards and kits can be dropped off at the church office or in the tub outside the main entrance anytime before Tuesday, February 9th.


Thanks for your help!

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