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You may remember your mortality and God’s promise in one of these ways:
Drive-up: Available Feb.14, 4:30-5:30. Pull into a front parking spot and Pastor Mike will join you with prayer and ashes.
During Worship Online: Mark the cross on your forehead or the foreheads of your family members during our worship service. Suggestions for what to use are below.
What to use for "Ashes"
We traditionally use ashes from last year's Palm Sunday branches, but it's not a requirement. You can us one of these:
Ashes from your fireplace or firepit.
Dirt from house plants or the ground outside your house.
Cinnamon from your pantry.
You don't need a lot of material.
Mix the ashes or dirt with a little olive oil to help it stick. Don't use so much that it becomes runny.
How to Impose Ashes
Pause and take a deep breath.
Remember that God is with you...wherever you are, in this moment. If with others, name that out loud. -
Press your finger into your dirt or ashes. If it's not sticking, you might need to add a little more oil.
Make the sign of the cross on yourself or the people you are with.
If you are uncomfortable with the cross on your forehead, make it on the back of your hand. Don't worry if the cross doesn't look perfect. The cross of Christ is messy business. If it didn't stick, just try again. -
Say, "You are dust, and to dust you will return."
Wipe off your finger.
If you are new to Hosanna:
We're so glad that you've joined us! Please leave a comment letting us know you're here and fill out our worship guest sign-in form.
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latest about what's happening with Hosanna!
We'd also love to hear from you. Send an e-mail to pastormike@hosannalutheranchurch.org or call our church office at 816-781-7991. We'd enjoy the opportunity to get to know you and support you.
If you would like prayer:
Please send prayer requests for yourself or others to cathy@hosannalutheranchurch.org.
If you need pastoral care, please call the church office (816-781-7991) or e-mail Pastor Mike at pastormike@hosannalutheranchurch.org.
Copyright Acknowledgement: Service music (C) 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress under license #SB118889. Permission to podcast/stream the text and music in this service obtained from One License.net with license #A-729952.