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Worship on Sunday, September 8 

We worship all together by streaming our live service.  Join us live online at 9:30 or come back later to watch the recording.  

Announcement Highlights:​

  • This Sunday, we present age-appropriate Bibles to children of various ages. 

    • They will be given to children who are 4 years old, in 2nd grade, in 6th grade, and those who missed them in previous years. 

    • If you can’t make it on Sept. 8, kids are welcome to get their Bibles from Pastor Mike on a different Sunday. 

  • If you would enjoy sponsoring one or more of these Bibles, let us know and pay online.  We hope to give out 20-25 Bibles this year, including kids beyond the congregation.

  • Share your favorite Bible passage.  The Bible is profoundly personal and is best when it is shared, but it's overwhelming.  For those  youth receiving full Bibles, we want to point them to the passages that are meaningful to us.  Share your favorite passage and it's meaning here

  • Congregational Meeting to Discuss Land Sale. Your contributions and our strategic actions are sustaining our current ministry, but we are excited about the possibility of dreaming what else God is calling us to do, growing our ministry, and doing some deferred maintenance. 

    • After worship this Sunday, Sept. 8, we will have deeper conversation about the proposal and an opportunity to meet the prospective buyer.  We'll keep the worship livestream going so you can listen online. 

    • Our Congregation Council has called for a special congregational meeting on Sunday, September 15 after worship (approximately 10:40) to decide whether we'd like to proceed with a potential sale.  Although we'll receive and consider the input of anyone, members can only vote if attending in person.  

    • You can view details of the proposal here.  

If you are new to Hosanna:

We're so glad that you've joined us!  Please leave a comment letting us know you're here and fill out our worship guest sign-in form.  We believe the best part of Hosanna! is the people and the relationships we share, so we hope you'll join us in person sometime, too! 


We have a lot of other ministries and resources that you are welcome to join.  Take a look around our website to see what connects with you and read our weekly Happenings e-newsletter to see the 

latest about what's happening with Hosanna!


We'd also love to hear from you.  Send an e-mail to or call our church office at 816-781-7991.  We'd enjoy the opportunity to get to know you and support you.

If you would like prayer:

Copyright Acknowledgement: 

Service music (C) 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress under license #SB118889.  Permission to podcast/stream the text and music in this service obtained from One with license #A-729952. 

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