You are welcome here!
We believe God is gracious and loving, and that living in relationship with God makes a difference. We admit we're not perfect, but we believe God gave us the gift of community. Therefore, we share life with each other--speaking and listening, supporting and receiving, mourning and praising. There’s joy in faith for all, and you are welcome to join us on the journey.
QUICK QUESTIONS . . . Click on the links below each question to explore deeper answers.
What is worship like?
Our worship looks more traditional, but feels more casual. We like the organ and old songs that have moved the hearts of generations, but we also love the piano, other instruments, and new music that is being written today. Whether old or new, our music is always joyful. People come as they are, and they are loved for who they are not how they "ought" to be. Holy Communion is an important part of our worship because it's all about God coming to us in a real and physical way, filling us with grace, peace, and strength for our weekly journey.
Learn more about what worship is like.
Are kids welcomed and valued?
Kids are loved and treasured at Hosanna! Usually, over 25% of the people in worship each week are under the age of 18. We don't have a nursery or "children's church" because we want to be together in worship. Instead, we create extra opportunities for kids to be a part of worship, share their faith, be blessed at milestones, and grow in faith and joy through worship. We believe kids should act like kids, so we welcome them as they are. See the place kids have at Hosanna! and in worship.
Do you do anything besides worship?
Absolutely! Worship is an important time to gather together, praise the Lord, hear God's word for us, and be empowered to daily life, but church is more than just worship one day a week. We have Bible studies and topical studies to grow deeper in relationship with God and make sense of what's happening in our lives and our world. We serve together in a lot of different ways, including projects we take on to benefit people in need, partnerships with local service organizations, and fostering generosity in daily living. We also enjoy each others' presence, so we like to eat together and play together, too! View some of our service opportunities and growth opportunities.
Who is your pastor?
Pastor Mike Kern has been serving as Hosanna's pastor since 2016. Though he stands up in front and likes people a lot, he's a bit of an introvert. You'll get to hear plenty from him, but one-on-one he's more likely to listen and ask questions about you. He's naturally creative and personable, which fits well with the people of Hosanna, especially our kids. Pastor Mike is open to new ideas and hearing what others are really thinking and feeling, and would rather deal with reality than what "ought to be."
Pastor Mike has been married to his wife Alison (who does writing work for Children's Mercy) since 2004. They have one kid in middle school and one in elementary school.
Pastor Mike is great, but his real talent is bringing out the best in all of us, the people who make Hosanna! what and who it is. Learn more about Pastor Mike and our staff.

Where are you located?
Our building is located at 2800 North Church Road, on the northwest edge of Liberty, Missouri. We're across the street from Liberty North High School. We have members who come from Liberty, North Kansas City, Pleasant Valley, Smithville, Kearney, Excelsior Springs, and even Cameron and Lathrop. When you come north on Church Road, we're located about a quarter mile past the point when you think you might have gone too far.
How big is the congregation?
We have around 250 members, with an average Sunday worship attendance a little under 100. We like the fact that we're a smaller congregation because it means that we get to know each other personally. We may not be able to have as many programs as bigger congregations, but we value having personal relationships, personal access to the pastor, and a voice in the congregation over more programs. We also feel so blessed that we have members of every generation present and active in the life of the congregation. Learn more about who we are.
Will I find a place within the congregation?
We sure hope so! However, God made each person differently, as God made every congregation a little differently. Spending time with us in and out of worship is the best way to tell if Hosanna! is the right church home for you, but the pastor is also available to help you discover where God is leading you. We will welcome and support you for as little or as long as you are with us.
Do you have a list of beliefs?
Some churches have a long list of things they're against. We believe we're called to focus on what we're for. We're for God, who gives us life, who renews us each day, and who empowers us for daily living. We're for people--which is a simple way to say that we're inclusive, we believe everyone matters, we accept people for who they are, and we believe we're better together.
Truthfully, we're a diverse bunch of people who don't all agree on everything. However, there are some things Lutherans tend to hold in common. Read more about what's most important to us.
Are you affiliated with a denomination?
Churches are better together. Therefore, we are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in America. The ELCA tends to be more progressive than other Lutheran traditions in the U.S., but we are a diverse people with a lot of different views. Being part of the ELCA means we have shared resources and get to participate in ministry that we couldn't do all on our own. You don't have to be a Lutheran to join us, or ascribe to a particular statement of belief. Lutherans value the stories of the Bible, focus on God's gracious love, and believe faith is exercised by showing gracious love to others through our words and actions. Learn more about the ELCA and what Lutherans believe.