Lenten Meditation Practices:
During Lent of 2021, we shared several meditation practices to add or incorporate into your prayer life. If you'd like to explore them, instructions for each one are listed below...
This beautifully simple service is a great way to calm your heart and mind, and to connect with God in the middle of a busy and stressful week.
Come back here for Evening Prayer anytime you need it, whether that's each Wednesday at a certain time of your choosing, or when you feel yourself dragging and needing some time to de-stress and be close to God.
If you would like prayer:
Please send prayer requests for yourself or others to cathy@hosannalutheranchurch.org
If you need pastoral care, please call the church office (816-781-7991) or e-mail Pastor Mike at pastormike@hosannalutheranchurch.org
Credits and Copyright:​
Music by Marty Haugen, from Holden Evening Prayer (c) 1990 GIA Publications. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-729952.
Music played by Dr. Dan Bruggeman, vocals by Ellen Bruggeman and Kali Bollhoefer