Lent with Hosanna!
Noah spent 40 days in the rain relying on God alone, the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert relearning how to live together, and Jesus spent 40 days in the desert preparing to deliver God’s grace. Each year, we spend 40 days in the season of Lent to focus on improving our spiritual life. Hosanna! offers numerous opportunities for you to join us on this journey . . .

We begin Lent with worship, acknowledging our mortality, and remembering that we need God. We place ashen crosses on our foreheads, remembering that though there are times we feel (and act) like dirt, we belong to God, and God can do amazing things with dirt.
Join us in person for worship on Feb. 14 at 7:00pm or online live at 7:00 or anytime afterwards.
You may also come for drive-up ashes 4:30-5:30. Pull your car into a front parking spot, and Pastor Mike will join you with ashes and prayer.

Each Wednesday February 21-March 20, we have several opportunities to spend time on your relationship with God, one another, and yourself. Come for any or all parts of the evening . . .
We gather for a simple meal of soup, focusing on the people who gather with us. We’ll begin serving at 5:45, but you are welcome to join any time after that if you can’t make it from work that early. A sign up for bringing soup will be posted in the fellowship hall.
At 6:05, we’ll begin our study: 24 Hours that Changed the World. We will learn about the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life and discuss the significance for our own daily lives. Each session will begin with a short video, which will be followed with reading scripture and discussion.
We finish the evening by calming our hearts and settling our minds in prayer and song. We use Holden Evening Prayer, a beautifully simple and musical service that lasts less than 30 minutes. It’s a great opportunity to reset and renew in the middle of a busy week. We won’t livestream this service, but you are welcome to join a past recording online each week.

Spend 5-10 minutes each day connecting to God by reading scripture, reflecting, and praying using a devotional booklet. Members throughout the Central States Synod Border Conference (including several from Hosanna!) have put together their experiences with God so that you might see God more clearly in your own life.
Printed copies are available in the fellowship hall or by calling the church office. You can also read the devotions online, download the book, or sign up for daily text reminders.
If you’d like to explore a different devotional book, audio/video Bible stories, a smartphone app, or an e-mail/text subscription, take a look through this list of additional devotional resources.

Fasting is the age-old practice of giving up for a time the excesses we enjoy. Rather than proving our faithfulness to God, the intent is to simplify our lives, let go of things that are life-taking, and grow closer again to God. If you are considering “giving up” something this lent, take time to think about what is draining you and getting in the way of your relationship with God and others. Pray about it. Then choose what God is leading you to let go.
You might also consider giving up something that enables you to give away something. For example:​
Give up buying a coffee or donut each morning, then donate the money saved to a charity you love.
Wake up 5 minutes earlier and use that time to snuggle or read with your child.
Spend 5 minutes less on social media or playing a game, then use those 5 minutes to call someone or write an encouraging note.
Spend less time in the shower or working on your appearance, and use the time to pray for people you know who are sick, hurting, or celebrating.
Take your meal to work, then use money saved to buy a small gift or treat for someone every day.