Connect with us through the Breeze Membership Portal
What is Breeze?
Breeze is our church database system. Unlike the old, clunky systems available only to staff in years past, Breeze allows us to integrate a lot of information and tools, and to do it in a way that anyone who is part of Hosanna! can use anytime anywhere. Creating your own account is an optional, but convenient, tool to view our church directory, set up recurring electronic offerings, track your giving, and volunteer with Hosanna!
Is my information safe?
Absolutely! Our Breeze database is cloud-based, but it uses an HTTPS SSL encrypted connection in a PCI compliant datacenter. Payments are processed securely through Stripe, so we won’t store or have access to your banking information. None of your information is shared publicly on the internet, and your giving records are not shared with other members. Only those who have already been added to our database (meaning you're a member or friend) can create an account.
Okay, how do I create an account?
To begin, go to Hosanna's login page.
Create a username and password.
Verify your information.
You're all set!
How do I get back there?
Log back in anytime at
Breeze works well in a browser and on your phone!
You can create a shortcut on your phone home screen:
Visit in your browser.
For iPhone: Tap the Share icon at the bottom of the screen.
Scroll down to the list of actions and tap “Add to Home Screen.”
For Android: Tap the menu icon, the 3 dots in upper right-hand corner.
Scroll down and tap Add to homescreen.
You can also download the Breeze app in the Apple app store or on Android's Google Play.
How do I set up a recurring gift online?
Sign in to your account at
Click “Give Now” at the top of the page.
Enter the amount you’d like to give each time.
Click the arrow next to “Give this one time,” select the frequency and start date.
Choose whether to give by bank account or credit/debit card.
​​A processing fee is subtracted from your gift (noted on the next page), but you can minimize those fees by using a bank account or selecting to cover the balance. The only way to skip these fees altogether is to use your personal bank to set up Bill Pay to Hosanna! -
Enter your payment information, and then click the Give button.
You can modify or end your recurring gifts at any time through this account.
To end recurring gifts with our previous gift processor:
To end automatic donations with Vanco Payment Services, visit and log in using the link at the top of the page. Follow the directions to end your gift. If you don't recall your account information, or you signed up through the church office, call the office at 816-781-7991.