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In person:  6:30 pm (with carol singing beginning at 6:15)

Online:  Live at 6:30 and available anytime afterwards

If you are new to Hosanna:


We are so glad that you've joined us for worship!  Please leave a comment letting us know that you are here and fill out our worship guest sign-in form.


You are welcome to join us for worship in person or online every Sunday at 9:30.  As great as worship is online, we believe the best part of Hosanna! is the people, so we hope you'll join us in person sometime.  


We also have a lot of other ministries and resources going on that you are welcome to join.  Take a look around our website to see what connects with you and read our weekly Happenings e-newsletter to see the latest about what's happening at Hosanna!


We'd also love to hear from you.  Send an e-mail to or call our church office at 816-781-7991.  We'd enjoy the opportunity to get to know you.   

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No sign-in or e-mail address is required.​

Copyright Acknowledgements: 

Service music (C) 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress under license #SB118889.  Permission to podcast/stream the text and music in this service obtained from One with license #A-729952. 

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