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We're a community where people are valued, fed, and empowered for life grounded in God.
Latest News & Announcements:
Updated September 5:
All are welcome to join us this Sunday, September 8 for Rally Day
​We’ll worship together.
We will give thanks for life together and pray for God’s blessing on the coming year.
Kids are various ages will be presented with new Bibles.
We will review the proposal for selling some of our undeveloped land, answer questions, and listen to comments. (A vote will take place on Sept. 15.)
​We expect this to be a relatively short conversation, and gives us time to finish food preparation.
We’ll eat and talk together.
The main dish will be provided, ready shortly after worship.
Each household is asked to bring a homemade or store-bought dish to share:
Last name: A-M side dish
Last name: N-Z dessert
We’ll play together.
There will be a bounce house and face painting.
Both kids and adults can also join in the other activities, including corn hole, giant Connect 4, giant Jenga, and lots of board and card games.
You are encouraged to bring your favorite outdoor and board games to share.
If you’ve fallen out of the habit of attending worship regularly, Rally Day is a great time to hit reset and commit to joining us regularly again.
Kids to Receive Bibles
​This Sunday, on Rally Day, we’ll present age-appropriate Bibles to children of various ages: children who are 4 years old, in 2nd grade, in 6th grade, and those who missed them in previous years.
​We’re happy to share these Bibles with kids beyond the congregation! So that we can be prepared for you, sign up here if you'd like to receive one!
- It is a joy to give God’s love to kids! If you would enjoy sponsoring one or more of these Bibles, let us know here and pay online.
Share your favorite Bible passage. When we give full Bibles to our 6th grade youth, we want to point them to the things that are meaningful to us. Share your favorite passage with us by filling out a form here.
​Congregational Meeting to Discuss Land Sale. Your contributions and our strategic actions are sustaining our current ministry, but we are excited about the possibility of dreaming what else God is calling us to do, growing our ministry, and doing some deferred maintenance.
​Our Congregation Council has called for a special congregational meeting on Sunday, September 15 after worship (approximately 10:40) to discuss a potential sale.
On Rally Day, Sept. 8, we are planning to have deeper conversation about the proposal and an opportunity to meet the prospective buyer. Details of the initial proposal and the benefits to Hosanna! are available here. ​